Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bridal Wednesday... for Today ;)

One of the reasons I love looking, and consequently taking, bridal/wedding photographs is because I am a hopeless romantic. I believe in true love and happily ever after... yup I'm a sucker for Prince Charming. I think the essence of love is truly visible in bridal and wedding photography. I have two confirmed weddings I will be photographing this 2010 and I'm so excited - and I'm just photographing... imagine the brides!

So in light of my joy for booking two weddings as of January 6, 2010 I wanted to share some photos I took back in September for my model-bride. I wanted to have some photos with a "bridal-feel" to show potential clients but I didn't have readily-available access to a bride during my available time. So when life gives you lemons, I made bridal lemonade!

I called a friend and in a thirty-minute span I did her hair, make-up, and we traveled to a cute little church near my work office for an impromptu bridal shoot. Alas, I am not married nor am I engaged so I did not have bridal gown just lying around. But I am ingenious I tell you. I looked through my old pageant gowns and found a suitable white gown. I'm telling you, that day I made bridal lemonade ;)

The swanky bouquet, you ask... I made that too.
My dear friend Monica was such a sport. Summer was technically over but down here in the Rio Grande Valley it means nothing. It was a really hot day but she made the photos look cool and relaxed, don't you think?
A big thank you to Monica for flowing with the flow that day...Thank you! I look forward to meeting more brides and capturing their beautiful memories.

Happy Wednesday :)


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Thank you for your comment!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful day :)
Be blessed!