Friday, April 16, 2010

Smile! It's F-R-I-D-A-Y!

Frumpy. <-- This word describes most of my collegiate style. As a member of a sorority I had to always be on my best behavior and do my best to dress appropriately. Don't get me wrong; I come as modest as a girl can get. Really... I found myself googling modest wedding gowns a few days ago and guess what - I liked what I saw :) Modest is not a problem I have. Dressing appropriately, that's a problem. It's not that I am incapable of putting a stylish outfit together. Really, it's not. It's the fact that I have to put this outfit on me and wear it that bothers me. I love all things girly... dresses, pencil skirts, jewerly and oh-so-fabulous shoes. I love it all. But I happen to think it looks so much prettier in my ginormous closet than on me. In reality, I am just a quiet and frumpy girl. Frumpyness is indeed my struggle. So much to my amazement, I have been chosen, as an alumnae, to give the collegiate chapter of my sorority {DELTA ZETA} a presentation on Fashion: Dress to Impress. WHAT?! I almost couldn't believe it myself ; ) Actually, it makes me giggle to think I will speaking to my chapter about how to dress appropriately. Me, a true believer of mismatched outfits, unbrushed hair, and a clean face :) Interesting, huh?

I am really flattered, however, and oh-so-very excited to speak to an eager set of ears! The collegiate chapter is in for a treat ;) I have also been asked by the chapter's director to donate a prize as part of some awards for the girls. I have decided I will be donating an exclusive portrait session for one girl with me. It will include all the works and I'm excited to give back to my sorority who helped me become a better person and a good leader. I'll let you know how it went ;) and what I wore...

I hope you have a really ah-mazing weekend and enjoy your days to the fullest. SMILE! It's F-R-I-D-A-Y!

This is Chuy, remember him?


Sandra said...

Awww! Chuy is cute! OMG! I am completely the same way! I love all things girly, but would much prefer to look at them then wear them. I'm more of a sweats, nike outfit kinda girl. I prefer to dress sporty, because the clothing is JUST SO COMFORTABLE lol :)

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Be blessed!